Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Bungard Achieves Credit Hours at Work 3/8/2011

by Sami Daggett

  Cathy Bungard, a business major at WVU Parkersburg, has a full-time job at Suddenlink. She works 40-50 hours a week and is also receiving six credit hours this semester through the cooperative education work experience program at the college.
    Bungard is an unusual student because she was actually already working at Suddenlink before she knew about co-op. In fact, Bungard has worked at Suddenlink for almost nine years in the customer service department.
    She also worked at the company when it was known as “Charter,” but lost her job when the company closed. After a short hiatus, she went back to work at Suddenlink where she’s been ever since.
    The business major likes to keep her busy with going to school and working. She also shares a home with her husband in the historic district of downtown Parkersburg. Most of her spare time goes into remodeling her home and taking care of her rescue dogs, a Chihuahua and two Greyhounds. Bungard adds that she has “every video game known to man.” “I love technology and I have to have everything new and exciting that’s out there.”
    When she’s at work, Bungard works in the call center and supervises the Internet troubleshooting calls. “I’m responsible for the customer’s experience, and, of course, I want to make that as enjoyable as possible.”
    Bungard has enjoyed being in customer service and dealing with communications for a long time. In the past, she took business tech courses, which helped her realize what she wanted to do.
    After her counselor recommended co-op to Bungard, she saw it as a great opportunity to make the most of her college experience while gaining credit hours towards her degree. Her only other class this semester is multi-media presentation, which is good considering she often works more than 40 hours a week.
    Bungard says she would recommend co-op to students, adding “Absolutely, 100 percent.” She is happy where she is currently at and wouldn’t mind staying at Suddenlink after she graduates.
In the future, Bungard says she can see herself owning her own independent consultant firm and says that she and her husband might also like to own their own restaurant. For now, Cathy Bungard is finishing out her RBA degree and maybe getting some promotions at work.  There is one thing she made clear, she is happy where she is. However, with her recent work and experience, she will certainly be moving up the ladder.

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